Play Funky Sax

Here are a couple of videos of the 30 video course that takes you through 16 phrases step by step, with funky backing tracks and on screen written music to guide you. We go through the Blues and Pentatonic scales, and they are displayed on the video during the exercises. There is a “Go Solo”  video at the end of each Unit. We show you how to “Get Funky” over “Pick up the Pieces” and Pharroll williams “Happy”.

Introduction and licks 1 to 4 alto

Students will learn the first 4 phrases and some of the techniques, like finger and lip slurs, with different types of tonguing are also demonstrated.  This video is for Alto but Tenor players must listen as well.

Call and response exercise

The first call and response video for both sax’s. Licks 1 to 4